WERC Participation Invitation

Dear participant, donor, sponsor,

World Ebony Network (WEN), a culture competence 501c3 nonprofit organization, invites you to participate as a panelist during our November 8th, 2020 Virtual World Emergency Response Coalition Talenthon fundraising and advocacy for black communities affected by human rights abuse issues such as violence, killings, hunger, homelessness, pandemics, etc. The name of this program was changed from World COVID Relief Coalition to the current title. We aim to provide charitable and educational support to advocate, alleviate the pain of the victims and communities, better understand the situation’s root causes and consequences, and provide a meaningful solution. We condemn the senseless and unjustified killings of lives no matter where. Latest crises in Nigeria and Cameroon, have a direct impact on WEN because a WEN member, chapter, and partner are victims:

  • WEN MEMBER: On October 21st, 2020, in one of our WEN Royal Father’s community (Ubomiri and Mbaitolu, Imo State Nigeria), officers of the Nigerian Army shot and killed six people, which sent the residents fleeing the village and hiding in bushes for safety.
  • WEN CHAPTER: Our Cameroon chapter, which was started by Mr. Eric Sonjowoh from Babungo, Cameroon, a distant cousin of WEN board chair, Col. Frank Underwood, Sr., following a DNA test that linked him to Mr. Sonjowoh.
  • WEN PARTNER:In 2009, Mr. Ezeudu, WEN Arts & Crafts program partner’s son, Mr. Lotachukwu Ezeudu, was kidnapped and killed by Nigerian Divisional Police Officer (DPO), his son, and a junior police officer. The DPO and the junior officer has been on the run, and recently, Mr. Bona Ezeudu was kidnaped, badly beaten, and released after paying a huge ransom. WEN joins hands with our partner and many to seek justice for his son, Mr. Ezeudu, to arrest these bad men and for all the victims.

In light of past and recent occurrences, which include Individually Displaced Persons (IDP) resulting from Boko Haram insurgency, the Cameroonian crises, the COVID disasters, the killing of George Floyd, the black lives matter protests, and the End Special Anti-Robbery Squad #ENDSARS predicament in Nigeria, WEN continues to proposition its culture competence solutions/approach, to underscore the relevance of our mission. Our mission is to reinforce our African ancestors’ enduring and noble philosophies, principles, and practices (3Ps) and appreciate other heritages’ good aspects. While providing our charitable support, we choose to bolster the 3Ps via this Talenthon to unite and showcase Black’s contribution to humanity and their appreciation of good aspects of other heritages to shine the light on issues and race relations.

Accomplishing our mission can be challenging because it is uncertain when the COVID crisis and protests will be over. Consequently, nations will not fully operate for a while, and many communities will be in dire need of assistance. To this end, we organized this program because we envisioned many economies in recession, making crises that morph to hunger, starvation, homelessness, and unemployment inevitable and uncontrollable. You will agree with us that these are some of the key drivers of crime.

Therefore, rather than accentuating the adverse outcomes of COVID, we seek a united approach through this Talenthon and other activities to give hope to the hopeless and show them they can do something positive, even in the face of adversity. We achieve this objective with individuals, associations, organizations, institutions, communities, etc., that believe in our mission.

This Talenthon will be simulcasted to various social media platforms, and the viewership will have a global reach. The event will be published in the print and online versions of our magazine and distributed to participants, audience, industry professionals, and so on. A portion of the sponsorship proceeds will be applied toward community feeding and different relief programs, such as scholarships, grants, shelter, etc. Also, because agents and directors read these magazines, each time a participant’s photograph is included in the magazine, it provides additional, valuable exposure for him or her.

The show will be from 11 am-3 pm EST on November 8th, 2020, provided we have received enough participants. The event will be formatted to showcase all kinds of talents with periodical dialogue on crises and impacts.

Thank you genuinely. We value your involvement.


Dr. Ezi Mecha
Founder & CEO
World Ebony Network