Vision & Mission


WEN’s vision is to be a platform that provides a practical approach to culture competence services, products, and results that:

  • Pleads and advances the socio-economic causes of people of African ancestry
  • Reconciles the estranged cultural relationships of people of African ancestry
  • Appreciates the good aspects of other heritages


To achieve WEN’s vision, the organization aims at reinforcing the enduring and noble philosophies, principles, and practices (3Ps) of people of African ancestry and appreciating the good aspects of other heritages. WEN’s message is based on the 3Ps of the African ancestry. Every heritage matters and globalization offers a unique opportunity to inquire, understand, and apply those those tried and tested 3Ps. 


To provide heritage education and charitable services utilizing the core values of our ancestors for the purpose of strengthening communities. We, at WEN, believe that KNOWING, LEARNING, APPLYING, AND MAINTAINING ONE’S SENSE OF IDENTITY is a sure solution to the dwindling moral decadence facing today’s world and the increased poverty crippling many social groups, bringing them to a screeching halt. 

However, these solutions are challenged by the harsh societal changes that have permeated every culture producing much terror, disruptive families, unruly children, inexperienced parents, immature leaders, etc. Given the severe impact on our families and communities today, we’re going back to re-examine our culture to see how we can learn, understand, and apply the timeless African traditional philosophies, principles, and practices to our modern-day lives.



We have a unique approach to solving today’s societal issues. Yes, we know it. We’re light years ahead. Our approach is needed today by governing bodies, providers, communities, individuals, etc. That’s why we’re fast at work, developing structures, programs, projects, activities that address issues. We offer culture competent solutions to and for:
