Government Relations


Justice is the bedrock of the African Culture

Our fore fathers recognized that social order and peace were essential and sacred. They believed that community solidarity must be maintained to prevent disintegration and destruction, especially since kinship relationship was paramount. As such, a crime committed by a member of the society was viewed as a crime against the corporate body where its consequences where far more reaching. The effects of the crime was “not only on the one who committed the crime, but also the whole body of his relatives). There exist, therefore, many laws, customs, set forms, of behaviors, regulations, rules, observations and taboos, [making] the moral code and ethics of a given community or society. … any breach of this code of behavior is considered evil, wrong, or bad and must be punished by the corporate community” (John Mbiti, pg. 200). Therefore, in this modern day, we must continue to make this our civic duties wherever we are as well as transcend it to our future generations.



CCAMP-PDS is divided into the below Age and cultural appropriate:


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Youth and Adult friendly program. To participate in this program, write to


Our Civic Obligations

Justice is the bedrock of the African Culture. Our fore fathers recognized that social order and peace were essential and sacred. They believed that community solidarity must be maintained to prevent disintegration and destruction, especially since kinship relationship was paramount. As such, a crime committed by a member of the society was viewed as a crime against the corporate body where its consequences where far more reaching. The effects of the crime was “not only on the one who committed the crime, but also the whole body of his relatives). There exist, therefore, many laws, customs, set forms, of behaviors, regulations, rules, observations and taboos, [making] the moral code and ethics of a given community or society. … any breach of this code of behavior is considered evil, wrong, or bad and must be punished by the corporate community” (John Mbiti, pg. 200). Therefore, in this modern day, we must continue to make this our civic duties wherever we are as well as transcend it to our future generations.

Call To Action!

Help Shape The Law That Affects You and Your Community
It's Your Civic Duty. Help Shape the Law That Impacts You and Your Community

Get Involved!!!

Do you understand your state legislation process? Don’t just complain about a new law if you didn’t bother to make out the time to listen to or speak out on it. It is your civic duty to get involved in shaping a law that affects you and your community. Just a reminder! Please be polite when contributing your views.
According to Morgan Adams, here are 5 ways you can get involved. It ranges from contacting your legislator to visiting the Capitol. Click this link to learn all about it:


We have attempted to list some of the ones our stakeholders, volunteers, and friends thought were important to them below. However, if you know about a bill, an act, or law, etc., please feel free to send an email to We will be more than happy to add them to the below list, so you can share them with your family, friends, and communities:

Book Your Workshop on

The Law and Your Rights

Community policing educates community members on how to:
• Be a credible witness, as a citizen or community member
• Manage police expectations, i.e. what to do when you encounter a law enforcement officer
• Relate with the police, as a community
• etc.
Attend our workshop or we can host one at your event

Need Community Service Hours?

1. Prove your loyalty to your host country by engaging in community service with WEN
2. Get certificate and letter of recommendation
3. Work with your lawyer

Do You Have a Legal Issue? - We Help Find You a Lawyer

Immigration Education

Don’t try to figure it out alone or waste your money on unnecessary fees. Our WEN immigration education sessions provide a platform for you to:
1. Listen, learn, Talk to immigration legal experts, law enforcement officers, and/or law makers
2. Easily access resources
3. Make your stay in America less frustrating

Orienting New Arrivals Into Their Host Culture

NewCommer Education

Helping newcomers FIITin to their new host culture, so they learn how to:
• Easily locate resources
• Communicate with the locals
• Make better choices around finance, nutrition, health and wellness, changing their legal status, etc.
• etc.
Watch out for our calendar of events for event format (webinar or face to face workshops) and when to attend our workshop