

Experiential Learning

WEN engages learners in age-old African ancestral, philosophies, principles, and practices of teachable moments that include knowledge, observation, wisdom, and application. The outcome of this learning methodology is the increase of knowledge, clarification of values, development of skills, acquisition of capabilities, and evolution of maturity traits that produce good leadership qualities.
Therefore, the WEN internship program aims to produce tomorrow’s leaders who are socially and morally responsible with capable intellectual and practical attributes and experiences, ready to positively influence those around them.

Psychology students Education
Govt Relations
The psychology intern will:
* Be responsible for finding and assessing the needs and willingness of potential and current GED students to engage in the required GED process.
* Guide them through the process of coping and meeting both the GED and the WEN expectations and requirements in order to successfully complete and obtain their GED diplomas.
* Assist in facilitating Intake-initial consultations and conduct Individual Therapy sessions under the supervision of Licensed Psychologists. This includes settings e.g., walk-in consultation sessions (aka Urgent Care, Crisis Walk-Ins).
* Help students cope and manage emotions, thoughts, behavior patterns, interpersonal difficulties, etc., that might impact successful management of expectations, i.e., study goals and time.
* Help families manage expectations and requirements as well as support students.
* Assist in the Needs and Wants Assessment of clients Assist in the peer review performance evaluations.
* Assist in setting up outreach activities i.e., educational awareness.
*Participate in meetings, including group counselling.
* Facilitate workshops and prepare reports.
* Prepare, analyze, data and reports.
* Provide GED related content for newsletter, social media, website, etc.
Law students Govt Relations cCAMP The law intern will:
* Rotate and work with various clients and attorneys across all cCAMP programs.
* Provide legal advice and written analysis on questions relating to the cCAMP Program.
* Assist in setting up outreach activities i.e., educational awareness. assist in the Needs and Wants Assessment of clients, implementation of the Restorative Justice Supportive Interactive Practice (SIRP) discussion sessions, the Ethnic Heritage Education activities.
* Help families manage expectations and requirements as well as support students.
* Assist in the Needs and Wants Assessment of clients Assist in the peer review performance evaluations.
* Assist in setting up outreach activities i.e., educational awareness.
* Participate in meetings, including group counselling.
* Facilitate workshops and prepare reports. Prepare, analyze, data and reports.
* Provide cCAMP related content for newsletter, social media, website, etc.
* Find and list attorney/lawyers, includes going to court.
* Schedule and manage schedules.
* Coordinate community awareness of the legislative process, which includes finding new bills, researching legislative meetings, attending and representing WEN at legislative meetings. Coordinating WEN community meetings with law enforcement partners.
* Participate in other legal related activities.
Accounting students Govt Relations Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) The Accounting student will:
* Find volunteers – churches, groups, etc.
* Assist in setting up outreach activities i.e., educational awareness.
* Reach out to volunteers.
* Setup training sessions
* Participate in meetings.
* Facilitate workshops and prepare reports. Prepare, analyze, data and reports.
* Provide GED related content for newsletter, social media, website, etc.
Political Science students Govt Relations Voter Education The Political Science student will:
* Find volunteers – churches, groups, etc.
* Strategize with changemakers at the advocacy events.
* Navigate legislative sessions.
* Attend Committee Hearings
* Inspire civic participation through voting by facilitating voting by mail, encouraging registration, and providing information about requesting absentee ballots.
* Setup training sessions
* Participate in meetings.
* Facilitate workshops and prepare reports. Prepare, analyze, data and reports.
* Provide politics related content for newsletter, social media, website, etc.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the internship, the intern will learn how to:

  • Engage with GED students receiving phycological services, including individuals and their families.
  • Be able to interact and reach out to the community to obtain needed information.
  • Lead a Going Paperless community outreach event such as Save our Planet and Go Green or Go Home.
  • Identify, understand, and utilize professional marketing strategies.
  • Work with diverse populations in cross-cultural or multicultural communities.


  • Strong verbal, written communication, and listening skills.
  • Students in any academic level
  • Familiarity with various social media outlets and related marketing strategies.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suites.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 preferred.


Please send resume and cover letter to: