Economic Resource & Development

Some Principles of Traditional Core Values in Modern Day Economic

WEN’s Economic Resource and Development business unit explores the rich customs, traditions, and beliefs of the African traditional practices that can aid in developing the goods and services for the area and irrespective of evolving global economies. This program area educates on identifying, understanding, and striking a balance between historical traditional and modern economies to sustain our families without loosing the essence of both. Through this program, WEN provides various resources such as skills development, mentoring, technology, etc to support and sustain entrepreneurs, blue and white collar workers.

Life is a journey, which you must not walk by yourself. A person can be a person through other persons… UBUNTU

Click + button to expand ...Principle: Collective and Group Support:

to be more subconsciously and institutionally sustainable, building on the collective capacity to better serve the community and the
poorest among them, while being financially capable and self-reliant.

Principle: Pool Together Resources:

To reinforce group solidarity where a collection of resources produces more wealth and emotional support in the community

Principle: Group Support As a Problem Solving Mechanism

The support and strength of a group often raises community consciousness and creates a common infrastructure to solve problems common to all, pooling local knowledge and resources for initiatives, such as bulk purchasing and transportation, collective bargaining, and common infrastructure development.


Our Business Development activities provide World Ebony Network Entrepreneurs (WENtrepenuers) and Ebony Youth Empowerment Entrpreneurs (EYEtrepreneurs) the cultural sensitive business skills, resource acquisitions, and lifestyle management needed to establish, operate, and manage their own firms.

Financial Literacy

Our financial literacy classes and activities apply traditional core values to modern financial education to provide the basic age appropriate skills, ranging from understanding allowances to understanding how to manage budgets and handle credits, for the development of the right personal finance behaviors toward becoming a better money manager in all aspects of life.

Investment Literacy

Our Investment Literacy, which is an extension of our financial literacy activities, provides skills on understanding fundamentals concepts of investing and diversification. Like our financial literacy, it offers age appropriate investment skills using age old principles, which includes discipline and patience. Lessons are interactive with practical outcomes in acquiring the mastery of investments, stocks, tax liens, etc.

Work-skills Acquisitions

Our work skills and acquisition opportunities applies the timeless traditional core values of our ancestors to seek out and work with community partners to provide a platform to equip our target audience with the necessary support to acquire the skills needed to be employable, find the resources needed to sustain the job, reach the platform needed to grow. Our model creates an accountability and ethical platform for success making access to mentoring, affordable resources, skills acquisitions, tools, etc a less frustrating effort.