WEN DB of Basketball Athletes


Our database of basketball players provides a one stop shop for verified and validated athletes of all status (amateurs and professionals) in the United States (US) and anywhere in the world to interface with basketball scouters and coaches.

Also, this database is accessible to embassy officers for another layer of verification during visa interviews. Though our verification company, TrendCrafters, LLC, go above and beyond to verify and validate players, WEN goes a step further to arrange for host families to house players, provide a family away from home environment, and avail them more recruiting exposure.

Also, athletes have the opportunity to participate in WEN’s recreational activities when not playing for their school or professional team by participating in WEN’s sports programs. WEN sports programs include sports diplomacy activities such as WEN league of teams, tournament opportunities, etc.

All fields information must be accurate. Your answers help us verify the information you have provided faster.

If you are not sure of the answers, please STOP, grab a pen and paper, find the answers, write them down on your paper, before filling out this form. Your diligence shows how discipline you are.

Failure to accurately complete this form will deter us from making your information available to coaches, school, or any other source that will see your ability.


Share a little information about your situation.
Share a little information about your situation.
The link(s) you provide to your Basketball Highlight Videos/Reel(s) will be displayed on WEN’s website with your profile