Gimme My Guinean Name” Naming Ceremony at the Roots Linkup Guinea Event

Here’s the Summary of The Event:

“Gimme My Guinean Name” Naming Ceremony at Root Linkup Guinean. What a beautiful ceremony and a thing of joy to welcome our African Diaspora brothers and sisters to Guinea.
Thank you Ambassador kaba and the people of Guinea
As messages of commendation and support are still pouring in for our August 7 Roots LinkUp Guinea Embassy Tour at the residence of the Guinean Ambassador Kaba, I would be remiss if I fail to thank all those who contributed in various ways in making the event the success people say it is. A big THANK YOU to all of you.
Thank you all for the support and for joining us at the Roots LinkUp Guinea event August 7. Without our sponsors, such as Ron G. Productions, Kenyatta Deshazio, Ray-Bridgewaters, Ms Mcleod, Nimba Entertainment, Carl Deshazior, Janice Brown, etc, and most importantly the Guinean Ambassador and staff, we couldnt have such a successful event.
To Word Ebony Network Matron, Ms. Roberta Mcleod, you are awesome.
To our strategist, C. Paschal Eze, the brain behind World Ebony Network brand, we thank God for sending you.
To Helen, you are simply a God sent, you simply make things calmer for me with your beautiful voice.
To Hawa Barry-Diallo, thank you for a job well done as co-MC, and for donating the beautifully crafted Nimba in silver to World Ebony Network.
To Kenyatta, you are simply the best stage manager there is.
To Ron G, World Ebony Network partner, your tireless effort make this event a huge success, you are priceless.
To Carl Deshazior and Janice Brown of WPFW 89.3 Radio, thank you for coming to co-MC and conduct exit interviews at the event at such a such notice.
To Orson, you are an angel, your angelic voice rendering the negro spirituals sent minds soaring.
To Dj and Kent Reily, your managerial abilities always save the day. To Mat Rice, former NBA player and aritist, thank you for the beautiful artwork you donated to World Ebony Network.
To Dexter Cummings, Legal Director American Diabetes Association, thank you for your support.
To Shindana Cooper, wow! you brought tears to the ambassador’s eyes and to the eyes of many during the event with your eclectic and compelling story, you are beautiful and great- full of wisdom.
To beautiful Aicha, Guinean hair stylist who provided a free hair style to the World Ebony Network Roots Linkup Guinea hair braiding workshop winner, Jyll Turner, wow! what a beautiful hair do- you are so creative.
To beautiful Jyll Turner, World Ebony Network is delighted to be a vehicle for bringing joy to you on your birthday weekend. Hope you enjoyed your birthday!
To gorgeous Fatimatu, you wow-ed everyone with your beautiful decoration, thanks alot.
To Drew Davidsen, what an awesome and soothing performance, everyone loved your music.
To beautiful Anita Davidsen, you are a dynamic woman and so instrumental to the beautiful jazz music your son played.
To Sharnel, World Ebony Network for always being an angel for children and honoring our invitation.
To Elaine Holoway, Sharnel’s mother, thank you for believing in World Ebony Network and for bringing family.
To Nakia, you are awesome, its so beautiful watching you get your name and having so much fun, thank you for participating in the Guinean naming ceremony. We thought it was nice that you made sure we knew that your husband was congolese LOL.
To Jolene Ivey, you looked so elegant walking up the isle to receive your much awaited name, thank you for participating in the “Gimme my Guinean Name” naming ceremony.
To all the Guinean Panelist, your responses were very brilliant, thank you for representing Guinea.
To the caterer, the food was delicious and you amazed the audience with the assortment of Guinean food. They can’t stop talking about it.
To the Dj, the sound was very good, thank you.
To Ms. Guinea, thank you for honoring us with your regal presence.
To Ms. Africa, what an honor to have the African queen at World Ebony Network Roots Linkup Guinea, you brought grace and elegance to our event – we are very grateful.
To our guests, without you this event would not have held. We love you and we thank you…
See you at the next Roots Linkup Embassy Tour.